There has been much talk about the benefits and
disadvantages of using organic baby clothes
in the last few years. Very few people are aware of the benefits of using
organic baby products further than food. Although people know the numerous
benefits of organic food they don't realize that organic baby clothes have
benefits too. This article guides you through some of the benefits of organic
baby clothes.
Babies particularly newborns are very vulnerable to various illnesses because their immune system isn't well developed. Organic clothes therefore protect your kid from potential harmful and contaminated materials used in making of non-organic clothes. Toxic chemicals used in growing as well as in the manufacturing of inorganic clothes can be absorbed through the skin causing health problems such as asthma, allergies, rash and chemical sensitivities. Organic clothes play major role in protecting your child from the risk of allergies as well as other medical conditions posed by inorganic baby clothes.
The other benefit of organic clothes is that they are durable and therefore last longer compared to the inorganic clothes. For instance baby clothes made from organic cotton last longer than those made from standard cotton which breakdown after several washes. Organic clothes are usually stronger because they have undergone lesser processing than regular clothes. Although organic clothes are generally more expensive than the non-organic ones they last longer. If you plan to have several children it is important to invest in organic baby clothes
Although cotton is regarded as a natural fiber, it is the dirtiest crop in that it requires a lot of fertilizer and pesticides. According to research 25 percent of the global pesticide used and 16 percent of insecticides are used on cotton. Traditional cotton is grown as well as harvested through an organic process thus maintain and replenish soil fertility. It also requires less fertilizers and pesticides thus protecting the environment.
Helping others
According to WHO majority of the deaths that result from pesticides poisoning are as result of cotton farms. Organic cotton on the contrary promotes environmental protection meaning that future generations will not face environmental problems. When you buy organic baby clothes you support organic farming practice thus reducing environmental degradation on our planet.
Skin irritation
Your baby's skin is very sensitive and is easily irritated as it is more porous, thinner and less oily compared that of an adult. They are therefore very sensitive to toxins; inorganic clothes introduce such toxins and may pose numerous health problems as well as cause the baby much discomfort.
A lot of people go for the inorganic baby clothes simply because they are cheaper; however what they don't know is that these clothes last for a very short time. On the other hand although organic kid's clothes are expensive they last for a longer time and therefore parents can buy fewer clothes. If you are planning to buy your baby clothes consider buying organic clothes as they protect your child, the environment and save you considerable amount of money.
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